Prior to joining the US Air Force, I grew up in Houston, Texas. Upon completion of my 4-year commitment in support of Desert Shield/Storm, while deployed to Yokota AB, Japan, I met my Georgia peach and have been happily married closing in on 30 years. Our two children were born in Gainesville, GA and we currently live in the Ardsley Park community of Savannah. I' ve been privileged to work in technology the past two decades as a project manager working with companies such as 3Core Software, Hewlett-Packard, and Gulfstream Aerospace. In addition, I am an adjunct professor and teach business undergraduate courses specializing in business ethics, leadership, and decision making.
Outside of work, I serve local faith groups through teaching and counseling based on my academic underpinning (BS in Biblical Studies and PhD in Christian Counseling). We are a foster family for a local dog and cat rescue (GRRR). On Saturdays, you might find my wife and I out on our bicycles tootling around the historic district. I joined Oasis to engage Low Country and Coastal Empire families in the decision- making process in caring for their loved ones.