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Eye Care and Vision Assistance for Portland Seniors

An older adult man with white hair has his eyes examined by a doctor. He sits in the doctor's office and looks into an exam machine while the doctor sits on the opposite side.

Seniors in Portland have access to local organizations and programs to get help with vision loss, low vision, and vision-related eye diseases.

According to the National Institutes of Health, “age-related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss and blindness among adults ages 50 and older.” Yet seniors will still pay at least some out-of-pocket expenses for vision-related services, even with traditional Medicare plans. Cost concerns can prevent almost one in four seniors with vision issues from seeking eye care, the NIH said.

With vision issues, seniors are at an increased risk of falling, sustaining fall-related injuries, experiencing mental health issues, and having overall poorer health. With regular vision assessments and services as needed, it can be possible to identify age-related eye diseases and create solutions or find treatments to maximize seniors’ longevity.

Here are programs, services, and resources that can help older adults access vision-related services, even on a fixed income.

Eye care services and programs for seniors in Portland

  1. Casey Community Outreach Program: This program operates a mobile ophthalmology unit and provides free vision screenings across the state. Since the unit first hit the road in 2010, it has screened more than 10,000 people and has given almost 6,000 pairs of glasses. Call 503-418-1698 or email CaseyOutreach@ohsu.edu to learn where the mobile unit will offer vision screenings next.
  2. Oregon Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation: This foundation helps those in need or who are underinsured get the vision and hearing help they need. They “screen, treat, save, and restore sight and hearing in partnership with Lions Clubs” through their various programs. Fill out their Get Help form to begin getting assistance from OLSHF.

    The OLSHF Lions Eyeglass Assistance Program (LEAP) helps low-income adults get eye care. “If your total monthly income is at or below the 200% poverty level and you do not have vision coverage, you may qualify to be sponsored by your local Lions Club for an eye exam and eyeglasses.”

    The OLSHF Patient Care Program offers services such as eye exams, treatment, and testing for glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other advanced treatments.
  3. Pacific University College of Optometry’s EyeVan: This mobile unit travels to various locations to provide “comprehensive dilated vision exams on our mobile clinic, the EyeVan, for low-income and under-insured community members.” While the EyeVan doesn’t provide eye care services on an individual basis, the university’s Pacific EyeClinics provide those services with sliding-scale fees to help make services more accessible.
  4. EyeCare America: This program, run by the American Academy of Ophthalmology, helps patients access eye care visits with volunteer ophthalmologists. “Ninety percent of the care provided is at no out-of-pocket cost to the patient.”

    EyeCare America’s Seniors Program provides medical eye exams to qualifying seniors and up to one year of follow-up care for any condition diagnosed during the initial exam. 

    The Glaucoma Program provides a glaucoma eye exam at no cost to eligible and uninsured people or for a copay to eligible and insured patients. Learn if you qualify for the Seniors or Glaucoma programs here.

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