I know that transitioning a senior from his or her home to an assisted or independent living community can be an overwhelming and stressful experience for families, so it is my honor to offer you expert and compassionate assistance as you navigate this process. At Oasis, we listen with an understanding and attentive ear to help match each senior’s needs with their ideal community and act as a trusted resource for families.
I was raised in Massachusetts but have lived in South Jersey for close to 10 years with my family, and I am excited to serve this community. I have spent my professional life in service to others, and I believe that seniors deserve to maintain their dignity and quality of life as they make this major transition. At Oasis, we work tirelessly on behalf of families to help ensure this happens.
From my time as a product manager for over-the-counter medicines, to helping parents of children with learning disabilities connect to resources, to bringing awareness to the health benefits of daily walks, the common thread throughout my professional journey has been a commitment to improving the quality of life for children, adults, and families. In this next phase of my career, I am honored to have the opportunity to provide support to seniors and their families at Oasis.